"Just Breathe" Sip n Soak Bundle

Sale price Price $59.00 Regular price Unit price  per 


Ingredients: Dead Sea Salt, Mediterranean Sea Salt, Epson Salt, Vitamin E Oil, Black MajesTEA Divine Skin Oil, White Peony Tea, Chamomile, Calendula, peppermint, Eucalyptus, Rosemary Leaves, & Tea Tree Oil. 

May aid in 

  • Relieve Muscle Tension and Pain 
  • Decrease inflammation & Lactic Acid.  
  • Assist with Relaxation.


Ingredients:Mullein, Cherry Bark, Eucalyptus, Licorice Root, Thyme, Peppermint, sage, Black Tea, & Oregano.  

About this Product: May aid in 

  • Clearing Mucus out of the respiratory tract, sinus, and lungs 
  • Decreasing inflammation  
  • Clearing Congestion  
  • Assisting with Asthma